Passive No More: 10 Days To Purposeful Living

What robs you of courage?



The question came up in a men's group meeting at my church. There were like 7 or 8 of us upstairs in the old movie theater our church had renovated. The question was "What robs you of courage?" I had written down four things that readily came to mind: Apathy/passivity Depression Boredom Weariness The more I thought about it, the clearer it became, and although I'd told myself this group was going to be an opportunity for me to listen more and talk less, I went ahead and spoke up in the discussion. "I know what holds me back," I said. "Passivity. Passivity fueled by a mild depression and weariness." Everyone was quiet for a couple seconds, and Dana (our leader) said, "Do any of the rest of you guys identify with what Josh just said?" Every man raised his hand. We were all different ages from mid twenties to late sixties; former marines and army, a retired businessman, several of us in the first 10 or 15 years of our careers, and John, a young man with cerebral palsy and a keen, sharp mind. All of us felt t