Dharma Drops: Yoga, Life, Whatever

Dharma Mini-Drop: Develop Your hOMe Yoga Practice



Now that most yoga studios are closed due to COVID-19, many of us are turning to our homes and the internet as a practice space. In this episode, I'm talking about the fundamentals of a home yoga practice so you can get the most out of your time on the mat. I cover where to practice and what yoga props you’ll need. Plus, I’m sharing a little insight into the benefits of recorded vs. live stream classes. Most importantly, this episode underscores that though yoga at home can't replace community, a personal, home practice affords one the opportunity to dive deeply into inquiry and discipline. Get the full show notes at https://dharmadropspodcast.com/blog/minidrop7 To get more Dharma Drops goodness, head over to: Instagram: @dharmadropspodcast Facebook: Dharma Drops Website: dharmadropspodcast.com Enjoy this episode? Leave a review on Apple Podcasts! It’s a great way to show your support and to share Dharma Drops Podcast with others. Email the review of your screenshot to rebecca@rebeccawarfield.com for 15% of