Biscuit Shrapnel: The Bs Podcast

0005: The Missing Brazilian



Biscuit Shrapnel Episode 5 finds our hosts guestless. They were promised a Brazilian, and he never showed up. So they made due. This episode is much quieter than the previous episode, to be sure. Many epic fails plagued this entire episode, such as a mic fail, something to do with rode mics and iPhone 8s needing, like some kind of special connector that we did not know about. Always be prepared people, unless being prepared takes extra work, then feel free to do like us and fumble through until you figure it out, wasting everyone's time learning as you go. But be assured, the part we need, the part that will marry our beloved iPhone to our beloved rode mic, is on the way thanks to this thing called "Amazon Prime" or "Amazing Prime," as I like to call it. I won't even go into the contents of the podcast, but needless to say, there will be aliens and universal peace through hot dancing Brazilians shot into space. Join us on our almost-daily adventure.