Happiness Injection With Shonette Bason

Can you be happy for someone’s good news?



In today's episode Shonette is talking about those people who somehow manage to suck the happiness out of your good news by just having to rain on your parade.And don't get Shonette started on those people who have to go one better on whatever story you have to tell. Shonette wants you to think about your reaction to other people's news - is it to be negative or go one better? Let Shonette know what your response is to other people's good news - do you elevenerife it? You can find Shonette on Instagram @basonshonette and her website https://www.shonettebasonwood.com/Music used under creative commons license. Why oh you are L O V E by Dancefloor is Lava. For information regarding your data privacy, visit Acast.com/privacy