Wilde About Wellbeing

The Contribution Compass - How we can give back in ways that also help us feel happier!



What can you give to others? Time, money, energy, knowledge? We can all offer something different, and we can offer it to just about anyone anywhere in the world.  I spent years thinking that the only way I was able to give anything to anyone was by signing a cheque. And, of course, monetary contribution to charity matters. It's how charities are able to do their work. But it never felt enough.  Now that I've discovered other ways I can contribute to others - through my knowledge, time, and sometimes just my love - I wanted to share some top tips with you on how I come to find the ways I can best contribute to others. In today's episode, as well as those tips, I also share my experiences of how contributing to others makes ME happy - it feels almost SELFISH to help others ha!    Quote of the Episode “How can I change my orientation? How do I redirect my energy, so that it’s not so much about my performance, as it is about my contribution to others?” Kelly McGonigal on Impact Theory podcast    Honorable Mentio