Very Bad Therapy

38. VBT in History (1960s): The Gloria Tapes



In 1964, Dr. Everett Shostrom had a brilliant idea: record short videos of the same person receiving therapy from three top psychologists. These videos are colloquially referred to as the Gloria tapes, and the story behind the therapy is astounding. Coercion, human ashtrays, lawsuits, Fritz Perls being a massive jerk, and more! This is episode seven in our monthly look at bad therapy through the decades. Thank you for listening. Support the show by becoming a monthly subscriber on Patreon to receive access to bonus episodes or by making a one-time contribution via PayPal. Show Notes: The March of Time (Wikipedia) Stuff You Should Know: How Conversion Therapy Doesn't Work Three approaches to psychotherapy. All three sessions (1965) The Gloria Films: Candid answers to questions therapists ask most Who was Gloria? Decoding Gloria: an application of Langs' Communicative Approach (Part 1) Living with the Gloria Films: A daughter's memory The Patient Gloria review: Revisiting therapy as an exorcising scream