Chicago Blackhawks Hockey Rinkcast

The Chicago Blackhawks Rinkcast S1 Ep13


Synopsis host Jeff “Gatekeeper” Osborn rolls solo for this micro episode with John under the weather.  He is joined, though, by newest writer Tyler Majewski and friend of the site, from the metal band Demon Hunter, master axe man/Blackhawks fanatic Patrick Judge. We learn about just WHO Tyler is, and his backgroundJeff, Tyler and Patrick discuss some of the recent Blackhawks fortunesWe tease another episode coming this weekend with guitarist and also Blackhawks fanatic Mark Holcomb from the metal band PeripheryDespite what San Bowman and the meatballs want, what do we THINK the Blackhawks should do? Please subscribe, rate this episode, and even write us a review. Reviews will be read on the air. Also, Please help spread the word to more #RinkRats and visit our sponsor Use the discount code “THERINK” for 10% off all orders. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit