Neuroethics Police

Marcello Ienca - "Neuroethics is not about policing on Neuroscience"



Marcello Ienca joins host Katherine Bassil in discussion on the implementation of new “neuro” human rights with newly emerging neurotechnologies. In the first part of this episode, Marcello explains why our societies are in need of new human rights in a day where we are witnessing a neurotechnology revolution. In the second part, we discuss in detail the implications of emerging neurotechnologies and why it is important to protect the consumer against misuse. Finally we shed light on Marcello’s opinion on a group that has already taken action based on his suggestions for new human rights, by formulating a petition to congress. Are emerging neurotechnologies threatening our human rights? Are we moving towards a neurotech-anxious society? Will neurotechnologies create inequalities within society? Why are the new human rights needed to protect us from emerging neurotechnologies? Find out more details on episode 9 of the Neuroethics Police podcast!  In this episode:  Towards new human rights in t