Neuroethics Police

Laurens Landeweerd - "You never know when Science Fiction becomes Science Fact."



Laurens Landeweerd joins host Katherine Bassil in discussion on the ethical implications of human and cognitive enhancement, a topic that has been buzzing on all media platforms for the last couple of years. In the first part of this episode, Laurens answers questions on lifespan extension and living "forever" from a philosophical point of view. In the second part, he shares with us his insights on cognitive enhancement. Finally, Laurens sheds light on current debates in the field of genetic editing, particularly with developments in the revolutionary technology "CRISPR". Why do humans want to live forever? Should humans want to live forever? Will cognitive enhancers create societal inequalities? Are we playing God? Is Laurens optimistic or pessimistic about the future? We finish off by overing exciting and up-to-date neuroethics news. Find out more details on episode 12 of the Neuroethics Police podcast! Who is Laurens Landeweerd? Laurens is a philosopher. He holds a position as assistant professor at Radbou