D-up Gaming Podcast

Ubisoft fends off Vivendi, PUBG/Fortnite mobile, 3 COOL remasters - D-Up Gaming Podcast ep. 10



On episode 10, Gyasi and Jeff congratulate Ubisoft on finally shaking off Vivendi, discuss Lumines, Mark of the Ninja, Zone of the Enders 2 remastered  announced this week and the mobile versions of PUBG and Fortnite. Watch us on Youtube! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbVrGfEn0q5Ujw1z5cYBQVA Follow us on Twitter! http://www.twitter.com/D_Up_Gaming #DUpGaming #WeeklyGamingPodcast #Lumines #MarkofTheNinja #ZoneofTheEnders #Ubisoft #Vivendi #Tencent #PUBGMobile #FortniteMobile