Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls

Katia Krafft Narrated by May Boeve



Once upon a time, a girl dreamed of sailing down a river of lava. Her name was Katia. Katia became fascinated with volcanoes when she first saw them on-screen at a small French movie theater as a teenager. So, she set out to study them, capturing their magnificent beauty and power through the lens of her camera. With her daredevil husband Maurice by her side, Katia visited over half of the world’s active volcanoes, sailed a boat into a lake of acid, and even escaped out a second-story window into a pile of volcanic ash.About the Narrator:Self-proclaimed activist May Boeve is the Executive Director of, an international climate change campaign. Founded in 2008, strives to generate the sense of urgency required to tackle the climate crisis through creative communications, organizing, and mass mobilizations. Boeve has been active in the climate movement since her days at Middlebury College. In 2006, she co-founded and led the Step It Up 2007 campaign, which brought together communities from 1,400