Wemartians Podcast

71 – Martian Dust Towers (feat. Nick Heavens)



Dust is ubiquitous on Mars, and the way it moves around can be quite unique. While the global dust storm might be Mars most recognizable dusty weather pattern, the Dust Tower can be equally interesting. Planetary scientist Nick Heavens joins Jake to talk about these massive structures lifting dust into the upper atmosphere and leaking water in to space. We Mars missions, Artemis, and Commercial Crew Nick's Paper on Martian Dust TowersFollow up by the ExoMars NOMAD Team Follow Nick Nick on Twitter (@WeatherOnMars) Follow Jake & WeMartians Website (www.wemartians.com)Patreon (www.patreon.com/wemartians)WeMartians Shop (shop.wemartians.com)Twitter (@we_martians) Jake’s Twitter (@JakeOnOrbit)Off-Nominal PodcastMost Recent Episode: 26 - Hungover on Re-entry #GoingPro Phase 1 - Complete! On January 10th we concluded the first part of the #GoingPro fundraising campaign, and what a tremendous finish it was! With just hours to spare, we crossed the 200 patron milestone in an exciting finish. Mi