Happiness Injection With Shonette Bason

If You've Got Nothing Nice To Type, Type Nothing At ALL



Uh Oh.Somebody, actually make that two people, have annoyed our Shonette this week.They wrote some proper Lemon Sucker stuff on her Facebook page.BAD MOVE!But it's also got Shonette thinking about how people are quick and seemingly happy to write all sorts online, stuff they probably wouldn't say in real life.So the mantra today is "If you've got nothing nice to type, type nothing at all!"Get in touch with Shonette on Insta @basonshonette facebook https://www.facebook.com/SpreadTheHappinessPage/ and her website https://www.shonettebasonwood.com/Music used under creative commons license. Why oh you are L O V E by Dancefloor is Lava.