Pharmacy Podcast Network

Pharmacy Podcast Episode 76 Compounding Pharmacy Regulations: An interview with Christian Hartman PharmD, MBA



Pharmacy Podcast Show Episode 76 we interview Christian Hartman - PharmD, MBA, FSMSO. Massachusetts Governor Patrick convened the Special Commission to Make an Investigation into and Study of the Oversight of Compounding Pharmacies (the “Commission”) in the Commonwealth in response to the tragic events of the multi-state meningitis outbreak that has been attributed to products from Massachusetts-based New England Compounding Center.   The Commission undertook an intensive and focused study of compounding practices in Massachusetts, relying on perspectives from pharmacists, regulators, physicians, epidemiologists, health law practitioners and legislators to protect the public and to minimize the risk of drug shortages.  The findings and recommendations put forward by the Commission offer a framework within which policy changes should be contemplated and further studied.  The Commission was chaired by Christian A. Hartma