Pharmacy Podcast Network

Pharmacy Podcast Episode 157 Independent Pharmacy: Steps to Greater Success



Roland Thomas began his career with a national wholesale drug company. He became the youngest Pharmacy Design Consultant in the company’s history. He left the company in 1970 to begin his own company. He sold his interest in Display Options, Inc. in 2001 and at the writing of this book is a pharmacy planning specialist with their Rx Planning Solutions division. He served as president of both the North Carolina and South Carolina Traveling Members Auxiliary that were created to support each state’s Annual Pharmacy Conventions. Roland served on the South Carolina Board of Pharmacy in 1987 1988 as an ex-officio member. He has written several articles for The Southern Pharmacy Journal and The Palmetto Pharmacist. Many of his projects were featured in the SPJ with cover stories, one of which was shown on the front cover. Roland searched far and wide, without success, to find a handbook covering ma