Referral Mastery Series

Episode 1 — Sourcing the 7 Spheres



Help your clients help you.In this episode, hosts Stephen Boswell and Kevin Nichols, discuss how you can source the 7 Spheres. The 7 Spheres include the family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, organization members, recreation acquaintances, and professional associates of your clients.In this episode you’ll learn:What the 7 Spheres are and how you can use themHow to frame your thinking around each client's spheres of influenceQuestions you can ask your clients to source namesAnd more!Tune in now and learn how to take your marketing ideas to the next level!Resources:WealthVest | The Oechsli Institute | Advisor Coaching | Educational WorksheetIf you haven’t already, please review us on iTunes. It’s an important way to help new listeners discover the show.