Referral Mastery Series

Episode 4 — Let Your Clients Know You're Open for Business



How do you let your customers know that you're accepting new business?In this episode, hosts Stephen Boswell and Kevin Nichols, talk about how it's hard for clients to refer if they don't know your capacity to add new relationships or the types of clients you serve best. Having these types of conversations with them can increase both the frequency and the quality of unsolicited referrals.In this episode you’ll learn:How to start your drip campaign to score referralsThe exact phrasing to let clients know you're ready for more businessHow to create an ideal client profileHow to frame conversations so clients know you're doing well but are still accepting new clientsAnd more!Tune in now and learn how to let clients know you're open for new business.Resources:WealthVest | The Oechsli Institute | Advisor Coaching | Educational WorksheetIf you haven’t already, please review us on iTunes. It’s an important way to help new listeners discover the show.