Happiness Injection With Shonette Bason

44: It Is What It Is



Shonette is a big fan of the phrase "don't let people (or silly things) steal your happiness". She was reminded of this last week at an event she was speaking at. One of the attendees was crying during the happiness workshop and it turned out to be down to something somebody had said to her previously but she'd been going over and over and over it in her head.Now Shonette admits she is one of the worst offenders for "doing her own head in" because of others or situations she's got not much control over.So how can you learn from Shonette to stop doing your own head in and being your own worst lemon sucker?Well Shonette turns to another phrase in these moments "it is what it is" and in this episode of Happiness Injection she'll explain how this works and you'll hear her bonus icing on the cake mantra to use in partnership with "it is what it is".A note from Charlotte the podcast women - in answer to Shonette's question - No. Not really, but we can