Happiness Injection With Shonette Bason

Irrational Fears Are OK By Me



Today Shonette is joined by her friend Karen and the pair are talking about irrational fears.The fears you know deep down are pretty much unfounded in reality but will still stop you walking across a bridge over water, or going swimming in the sea because a shark might attack you!And do you know what - it's ok to have these fears!Shonette would love to know she's not alone with an irrational fear so get in touch and tell her what is yours!Get in touch with Shonette on Insta @basonshonette facebook https://www.facebook.com/SpreadTheHappinessPage/ and her website https://www.shonettebasonwood.com/Music used under creative commons license. Why oh you are L O V E by Dancefloor is Lava.