Effective Complaints Resource Blog
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- Author: Vários
- Narrator: Vários
- Publisher: Podcast
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Disclaimer: The views and opinions stated in this podcast are just that, one person’s views and opinions shared freely on the internet while exercising the freedom of speech guaranteed in the United States Constitution. Visit the Effective Complaints WebsiteHello, my name is Kindra Cotton, and I don’t like to complain. I like when things are done right the first time, and when they aren’t, I’d like to see a swift and effective resolution to the issue. A complaint is merely an expression of an unmet expectation. I am a reasonable person and so are my expectations. I wish in my heart of hearts that people would do the right things, for no other reason than the fact that it simply is the right thing to do. I wish people would start treating others the way they want to be treated, for if they did, we’d not only have happier people, but the world would be a better place.There’s a cliché about “the squeaky wheel gets the grease”, but I'm not sure if that’s still the case.&nb