Effective Complaints Resource Blog

How To Write Effective Complaints



Disclaimer: The views and opinions stated in this podcast are just that, one person’s views and opinions shared freely on the internet while exercising the freedom of speech guaranteed in the United States Constitution. Visit the Effective Complaints WebsiteIn this week's podcast, entitled "How To Write Effective Complaints", I detail the 10 Key Steps for Writing an Effective Complaint Letter:Be Business-like: Type your letter on your own stationery using your own personal letterhead. It’s very easy to create your own stationery using a program like Microsoft Word, or Open Office 3.Include contact information and the date on each page. Address your letter to a real person, and CC (carbon copy) key people: To Whom It May Concern" generally concerns no one.  Visit the EffectiveComplaints.com/who/ page, and find a video tutorial of how to find CEOs and key executives at major companies in the U.S.Start with a good lead-in story. Clearly state the problem.Back up your facts with documentation whenever p