Effective Complaints Resource Blog

When to Write Effective Complaints



Disclaimer: The views and opinions stated in this podcast are just that, one person’s views and opinions shared freely on the internet while exercising the freedom of speech guaranteed in the United States Constitution. Visit the Effective Complaints WebsiteIn this week's podcast, entitled "When to Write Effective Complaints", I talk about the importance of writing with a "cool head".  Writing when you’re angry isn’t a good idea. I find, it’s best to jot down major points of how you feel when you’re angry to jog your memory for later, then wait 24 hours from the time of your injustice is a "cool down period".When you return, try to view the situation as third-party or "outsider" would, then script a narrative in your letter that concisely conveys your message and shows what your expectations were, and exactly where the company failed to meet them.Here are some tips that can help you cool down when you’re really steamed:Take a Walk.Have a Cold Shower.Meditate.Get a Good Night's Sleep.Take Deep Breath