Effective Complaints Resource Blog

Who To Write Your Effective Complaints To



Disclaimer: The views and opinions stated in this podcast are just that, one person’s views and opinions shared freely on the internet while exercising the freedom of speech guaranteed in the United States Constitution. Visit the Effective Complaints WebsiteIn this week's podcast, entitled "Who To Write Your Effective Complaints To", I talk about the importance of addressing your effective complaint letter to the right person.A written complaint can end up going nowhere if it’s not address to the right person.  And while there are times when it's best to "follow the chain of command" up from the front-line manager all the way to the CEO, there are also times when the best course of action is to find the head people in charge.How do you determine who that person is? It can be tricky, but with a little investment of time, you can figure it out.  For instance, if you're looking for a person within the federal government, start at USA.gov, where you can find Government Agencies and the names and ti