Journey To $100 Million

Do Not Compromise When Hiring an Employee



Hiring employees is a very important job that you have to do as the leader of your company in order to keep improving your company. If you’ve ever had a bad employee, coworker, or peer makes you realize you don’t want to take shortcuts on this process. We have a very well-defined hiring process here at Array Digital starting off with a phone call that essentially makes sure that every candidate has the basic skills required by that position. If that works out well, they come in for a face-to-face interview with a couple members of the team where we’ll narrow it down to a much smaller list of candidates. After that, we know what skills they have but we want to ensure they are a company-cultural fit, making sure their core values align with ours. The first thing we do is invite that person to one of our company lunches. This may be a little intimidating; they’ll be going to lunch with 5-8 people that already work at the company. If that goes well, then we’ll move onto the final phase which is the founders