Journey To $100 Million

The Biggest Lesson Learned In Reaching $2M In Recurring Revenue



Erik was recently asked what the biggest lesson learned was in getting to $2M a year in recurring revenue. Erik is not a big fan of questions like these because it forces you to generalize years of experiences and mistakes into one simple statement. It's almost impossible to do. However, he decided he would give it a shot. After thinking about it he decided that the common theme was to question everything. Question everything you do and question everything your industry does. We started questioning the way we did things and it led to some pretty radical changes in the company. One of the first big changes was we stopped tracking time. We used to track our hours so we would know what to bill our clients. A lot went into calculating how much to charge to cover labor, overhead and everything else. It was time consuming but that was the way we had always done it and we didn’t know another way. But we decided to try billing per project instead and that worked better. Even better than that was when we decide