Journey To $100 Million

What's Late? Deliverables vs Random Tasks



Like many companies, we track everything we do around here. We use a task tracker called Asana. It’s important to keep a pulse on all of the work that needs to be done and whether it’s late or not. Even if something’s not going to be done on time, it’s important to manage the due dates. If there are no rules holding the individuals accountable, then they’re just going to keep building up until they’re no longer manageable. So, we put in a rule that there are no late tasks, everything is up to date or in the future. But then we ran into a problem that certain tasks should not be moved. We have a very defined onboarding schedule and there are tasks associated with it that we set due dates on. Then there are other tasks when the due date isn’t necessarily important; things that the client isn’t waiting for. We realized that we have 2 different kinds of tasks: deliverables (things we told the client we’d have to them by a certain date) and nice-to-have tasks. Take a look at all the work you and your staff