Journey To $100 Million

I Want My $2



Erik was a paperboy in his townhouse neighborhood when he was growing up. Now, his friend’s older brother also had a paper route but he didn’t want to have to ask the customers for money to pay for the newspapers, part of which he’d keep and the other part would be given to the newspaper company. So, the brother made a deal with Erik that if he did it for him, Erik could keep 10% of the total profit. Erik would take his 10% before even giving the money to the brother just in case he wasn’t willing to pay up later. The lesson here: make sure you pay yourself first. It’s a lesson he’s learned and implemented many times throughout his career. If you look back on things you used to do early in your career to make money, there are lessons you learned there that you may have forgotten about but could help in your business now. Just think back on those and make sure you’re implementing those lessons today.  — Erik J. Olson is an award-winning digital marketer & entrepreneur. The Founder & CEO of Array Di