Journey To $100 Million

Learn, but Then Share



Always be learning. This sounds obvious and you’ve probably heard it from a lot of people but Kevin took it for granted for a while, not reading books or taking in new content. He changed that up this year taking the time to read books and gain new knowledge. He’s started using Audible to download books that he can listen to on his 30-minute commute to work. He’s also listened to hundreds of podcast episodes. And of course, he’s recorded these episodes that you’re listening to. Sharing what he’s learned on this podcast helps him to hold the information longer and makes it sink in for him more. The top CEOs read 60 books a year whereas the average American only reads 1 book a year looking for that million dollar tip that’ll transform their business. So learning the information is great but sharing the information you’ve learned is even greater. — Erik J. Olson is an award-winning digital marketer & entrepreneur. The Founder & CEO of Array Digital, he is also the host of the Journey to $100 Mil