Journey To $100 Million

Take Care of Your Health



If you’re an entrepreneur, you’re not going to be able to change the world if you’re not healthy because it’ll derail your progress. It’s easy to say I’ll do it later, things naturally get pushed to the side when you’re working on stuff. This year, Kevin has been good and consistent about going to the gym every week, his wife has been cooking healthy meals, most of the food they have in the house are healthy foods. Little changes like this can truly make a big difference. He and his wife just ran a 5K and plan to do a race at least once a quarter. If you can’t work and show up because of your health, things are going to change in your absence. So, take care of yourself! — Erik J. Olson is an award-winning digital marketer & entrepreneur. The Founder & CEO of Array Digital, he is also the host of the Journey to $100 Million Flash Briefing and daily podcast, and the organizer of the Marketers Anonymous monthly meetups. — Kevin Daisey is an award-winning digital marketer & entrepreneur. He sta