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Daniel Hill’s Quick Tip to Take Advantage of Twitter



Today, Daniel Hill, Instagram Stories flash briefing host, talks about something he’s been doing for a long time that is starting to pay off. He has recently been spending time on Twitter looking speaking opportunities. He has a formula that you can adapt whether you’re looking for speaking opportunities as well or if you’re looking to find a new way to grow your business. In the Twitter search box, he puts “call for speakers” and eliminates the words ‘Trump’ and ‘Pelosi’ because he doesn’t want any political stuff. Once you type that in, you can save your search on and then when you go to search things again in the future, Twitter will show searches you’ve made in the past and saved. He checks in for conferences looking for speakers once or twice a week. You can try some variations to narrow down exactly what criteria you’re looking to find. Be sure to find Daniel online: @DanielHillMedia on Instagram and Twitter or at — Erik J. Olson is an award-winning digital market