Coach Sze Wing Podcast

How to do LESS but achieve MORE



This is the Productivity Magic Part 2! A couple of weeks ago I wrote about how to get MORE done in LESS time, this week I am going to share with you my top tips on how to do LESS but achieve MORE.  Mind twisting? Not really. if you keep reading! :-) In Productivity Magic part 1, I focused on the logistics, the "how-to"s and good habits for increasing productivity. This week I want to focus on how to keep your body & mind as one unit to stay fresh and sharp as well as get the priorities right to maximise your results.  FIGURE OUT WHAT REALLY MATTERS I don't like this analogy because it talks about war, which I am totally against. However, it really speaks to the point.  "Pick the battles to win the war."  I know, you probably think it is a bit strange to say this here, but it's just so true to many situations for me.  My 2-year-old can be an angel SOME DAYS but she can be very challenging other times. To keep my sanity and effectively handle an unreasonable toddler, I've learned to accept