Education Development Trust

6: Matt Davis and Marie-Claire Bretherton talk school-to-school collaboration



Matt Davis, UK Regional Director at Education Development Trust is joined by Marie-Claire Bretherton, leader of the Kyra teaching school alliance to look at how some of the approaches on peer review and school-to-school collaboration have worked for the Kyra alliance and how they successfully developed school to school collaboration using Education Development Trust’s [Schools Partnership Programme]( 0:44 How the Kyra alliance started and where it is today. 2:05 About rising above transactional relationships between schools, about making brave decisions and delving into what makes a difference for children. 3:21 Discussion on creating a strategy for capacity. 4:56 About using an invitational leadership style when building collaborative relationships. 7:08 So how do you describe a successful alliance? Showcasing how the Kyra alliance helped a nurture a school out of s