SAGE Mindset Podcast

How To Get BALANCE In Your Life - Part 1 of 7



Welcome to this 7-part series on creating consistent balance in your life.Did you know that 2 out of 3 people believe their lives were out of balance? That is not a fun statistic. As someone that can get out of balance and put too much focus on work, this statistic hits home for me. Because of this, I think it's important to me to keep a pulse on how I'm doing at maintaining a reasonable balance in my life. Realistically, we will never be fully balanced for long periods of time, but we can be aware of where things are off. In this 7-part series, we will look at seven ways to create consistent balance in your life. Realistically, I understand there will always be ups and downs, highs and lows but I expect of myself (and hopefully you do for yourself as well) a moderate level of consistent balance in my life. I use the word BALANCE to give you seven topics to think about and for you to focus on to help you maintain a reasonable balance in your life. The first is behavior.B is for BehaviorIf you want to improve