Danny Carlson Podcast

Ep 8 - How to Automate Your Online Business with Erik Hayton



1:04 - How to figure out what you should automate in your business 5:09 - How long did it take Erik to be confident in his coding abilities? 8:25 - What not to automate 12:11 - Simple and effective things to target for automation 15:26 - Farming out leads 19:26 - An impactful automation process 23:41 - Erik’s networking philosophy 30:17 - New business relationships Erik is seeking 34:33 - What caused Erik’s burnout period and what was it like for him? 38:52 - Transformations as a direct result of his burnout period 42:14 - The impact of staying mindful 45:25 - Where to find Erik online Links/resources Erik’s business’ website - https://weautomatestuff.com/ Erik’s website - https://www.erikhayton.com/ Erik’s Instagram page - https://www.instagram.com/erikhayton/