Journey To $100 Million

Defying the Typical Job Posting Methods



Erik and Kevin decided to hire another salesperson in addition to Kevin who is a business developer. Instead of simply putting an ad in a newspaper (which you should really stop doing) or online somewhere, we wanted to first get the message out ourselves. So Erik got in front of the camera and laid out exactly what he wanted out of a prospect. That message was put out on all of the company’s social media channels. That same day, multiple resumes came through that were super highly qualified and have been following our company for a while. This was great because it was people who we’ve been following and who have been following us, have a genuine interest in our company, and took action. That is the power of social media. You can put any message out into the world and craft your message for your audience and it’ll register with them much more than going the typical route. Build an audience and see how you can use it. — Erik J. Olson is an award-winning digital marketer & entrepreneur. The Founder &