Journey To $100 Million

Be Platform-Agnostic



You probably know a couple of companies that specialize in a certain platform. There’s a common phrase, “The riches are in the niches,” and while that can be a good route to take, it can also be dangerous. Why? Because platforms come and go. For example, what if you were one of the influencers who focused solely on Vine? Then when Vine became uncool all of a sudden, they stuck with it until it shut down. The people that stuck with it until the end went down with the sinking ship that was Vine. That is very risky. So you can’t just focus on one platform. If you don’t have a lot of time for social media and decide to curate and build up your audience on just one platform, that’s different than focusing your entire business around it. That’s one thing we do not do at Array Digital; we are very platform-agnostic. For example, we are not a company that advertises solely on Facebook or solely on Google so if either one of those platforms falls to the wayside, we just shift our business to whatever is new and h