Journey To $100 Million

Looking Through Your Expenses Every Month Might Yield Extra Funds



Every month, Erik looks at the company’s financial statements - bank statements and credit card statements. He looks through each line item one by one and questions whether or not the company needs that thing still. Almost without fail, he finds something every month that we can either cut or reduce. Each time, he’s cutting probably at least $100 in recurring fees. He’s happy to spend the money if it’s going to get us ahead. It’s important to be ruthless about your expenses. If it’s unimportant or wasteful, you should cut it. These expenses could start popping up all over your company and while some are fine, you should pay attention to lowering your expenses. — Erik J. Olson is an award-winning digital marketer & entrepreneur. The Founder & CEO of Array Digital, he is also the host of the Journey to $100 Million Flash Briefing and daily podcast, and the organizer of the Marketers Anonymous monthly meetups. — Kevin Daisey is an award-winning digital marketer & entrepreneur. He started his fi