
#49:Use Personal Space, Body Language, And Speech Pattern To Triple Your Success



更多关于Startup4Chinese,请访问: 和 欢迎订阅 Youtube 频道: • Does networking intimidate you? • Do you find that the way North Americans handle small talk is very different from the way you did it in your home country? • Would you like to discover how to SET the STAGE for networking success? • Are you curious about how to be more effective EVERY time you explain what you do? • Are you curious about business relationship killers AND how to avoid them? • Do you want to uncover strategies for leaving an event with 3 TIMES as many people ready, willing and ABLE to promote you to their network? This is the event for you. Understand how personal space makes or breaks your chances of making a good first impression. Avoid weak, aggressive, or rude body language that may be perfectly acceptable in your first culture. Discover the key to being clear and easily understood by all audiences. Come and join us and lear