Hype Girl Podcast

Do It Like You with Amanda Silvas



Amanda is an entrepreneur and speaker who has made it her mission to coach women on unveiling that next chapter in their lives and unleashing their inner purpose. She has spent the last 10 years investing in her development and women empowerment so that she could give back to women. In addition to her own business, she runs a 6-figure business alongside her husband, James Silvas, and together they teach on topics such as relationships and mindset. She co-created the Be That 1% podcast, is the creator of Joyride (a women's self love retreat) and numerous self love programs that have had a monumental impact on thousands of women. In this episode we talk about creating boundaries, letting go of what no longer serves you, staying true to you and following your heart, our relationships, investing in ourselves, learning to trust our intuition and so much more! You can find her at: https://www.amandasilvas.com/ and also on Instagram at @iam_amandasilvas She has also offered two freebies for you below! 1. A FREE mast