Flippening - For Cryptocurrency Investors (bitcoin, Ethereum, And Cryptoasset Investing)

Part 2: The Fascinating History of Crypto Exchanges w/ Nathaniel Whittemore (Ep. 0058)



This episode is the second and final installment of our two-part series on the history of crypto exchanges. Once again, I'm joined by Nathaniel Whittemore, a freelance crypto communications strategist. This conversation is part of a larger series we’re doing on crypto exchanges. As part of this series, we’ve already interviewed Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao and John Jansen from Deribit, among others. Nathaniel and I are teaming up to write an article about the history of cryptocurrency exchanges. In this two-part series, we explore the main ideas from that article and share our understanding of how the crypto exchange ecosystem has evolved over time. This conversation is broken up into 5 chapters: - Chapter 1: The pre-history of Bitcoin and how regulation from that era still affects us today- Chapter 2: An exploration of the first crypto exchange that launched only a year after Bitcoin went live- Chapter 3: The Mt. Gox story and the fallout caused by that hack- Chapter 4: The rise o