Journey To $100 Million

Creating an Effective Communication Plan



Do you have a communication plan? Well, Kevin is here to talk about the communication plan we’ve worked hard to put together over the years. Communication is the most important thing you can have with your clients. Often times when we’ve had issues in the past and we’ve sat down with the team and had a lessons learned breakdown of what went wrong and where, it usually comes down to communication. Our communication plan starts from when you’re a prospect to officially becoming a client and it’s not just how we’ll communicate with you but also how you’ll communicate with us. So let’s start from the very beginning at sales. We set up a 15-minute call or a meeting on-site and then a more formal digital review. We have a kick-off meeting once you come on board then a strategy meeting once you’re a client. Throughout the entire process, there’s communication between the client and our project manager, Jamal, who will also send you a welcome packet once you officially become a client. This is an extensive packet