Journey To $100 Million

Bad Reviews From Being Overly Ambitious



At Erik's last job as an employee, he received a not so great annual review. At the time he already knew that it was time to leave to work for himself, and he had expressed to his supervisor that he wanted more out of his career. The supervisor said that Erik had "ambition", but it was said in a negative manner. The supervisor didn't appreciate Erik's ambition - that he wanted to achieve more. The supervisor was part of the bureaucracy and played the game. We don't play those bureaucratic games here at Array Digital. It actually goes against our core policies of Honesty. When Erik's supervisor dinged him for being ambitious, he knew it was time to go. There is no time in life for such nonsense - his old supervisor was simply wrong. Ambition is not a bad thing. Never apologize for being ambitious. — Erik J. Olson is an award-winning digital marketer & entrepreneur. The Founder & CEO of Array Digital, he is also the host of the Journey to $100 Million Flash Briefing and daily podcast, and the o