Journey To $100 Million

Quality Assurance



Quality is one of our core values at Array Digital. We now have a documented process for handling quality assurance. Of course, for every company, you’re going to mess up something, somewhere but we want to keep that to a minimum. This ensures we put out quality work and keeps us from getting in trouble with our clients. We have a process where someone completes a task for a client, another peer reviews that piece of content before it’s put out or sent to the client. It’s just a double-check that the work is good, it’s very simple. We also hold a lot of team meetings at Array Digital so that we can help each other with any issues we may have and to discuss plans and initiatives we have for clients. We have a ton of checkpoints, a lot of peer review, and I know that it saves us from a lot of issues with clients. Do you have a quality assurance plan? Are you putting out sub-par work? It’ll serve you very well to put together a plan with several checkpoints throughout to make sure you’re turning over your bes