Podcast Inglês Online

Como falo em inglês: Lobo em pele de cordeiro



Hi, there. Hoje eu falo sobre dois idioms muito diferentes, mas que significam a mesma coisa... e que são usados quando as aparências enganam. Não perca! Transcrição Hi, there. You're listening to the new episode of the Inglês Online podcast. Download the Inglês Online app at the Google Play Store or the Apple Store - search for "inglês online Ana". Thank you for telling everyone you know about this podcast and, enjoy! So, today I was reminded of this really interesting expression, devil in disguise. If you can understand the words I just said then you know what the expression means. We use this expression to talk about something - it can be a situation, or an object, or a car, a house, whatever - or someone, who appears at first to be helpful or well-meaning but turns out to be the opposite. So, let's say you just moved into a new neighbourhood, ok. The reason you just moved is, you've been saving money for years and you decided to invest in your own flat. So, you bought this property and you're really h