Knightline Podcast

Sons Of UCF – Ep 48: 1 and 0, Drew Belani, and Ticket Giveaway



Sons of UCF with Adam Eaton & Mike Espinosa Brought to you by: The Knightline Sports Network & Drew Belani's UrbanNooks Recap: The Knights went 1-0 this week, and the Sons will tell you what went well and where we have questions, including, QB? Next, we introduce you to our new gadget, the Heupel translator. After that we'll give you 5 things you need to know about FAU as we lead into Week 2. Drew Belani from Urban Nooks joins us as the celebrity game picker, going head to head with UCF Mike. Lastly, we announce the winners of the FAU ticket giveaway, and COTW stays in the State of Florida.