Knightline Podcast

Sons Of UCF – Ep 52: Goodbye UCONN / CGP: Trace Trylko



Sons of UCF with Adam Eaton & Mike Espinosa Brought to you by: The Knightline Sports Network & Drew Belani's UrbanNooks Recap: The Knights welcomed UCONN to Orlando for the final conference matchup, and the game was over pretty early. The Sons breakdown all of the action and award their category selections. Next, the Josh Heupel translator is back to answer all of the tough questions, including penalties and Taco Bell. UCF media legend Trace Trylko joins us as the celebrity guest picker, going head to head with UCF Mike, and we also throw in a few bonus “getting to know you” questions. We have two new messages in new phone, who dis, and we close out with out cows of the week.