Journey To $100 Million

A Better Way To Respond To Layoffs



A long time ago when Erik was working at his first software development company, he was the manager over about 6 developers. When he first started, everything was going well but as time went on, he started to hear grumblings about this facility they’d invested in in Dallas, TX. It was huge but they were only occupying about a quarter of it. The company had over-invested in a facility because they’d anticipated a very large contract but that contract never came. That was a really big lesson for Erik because even though it didn’t affect him directly, it affected his company and it taught him that you should not be obligating resources with your own money if you don’t have an obligation from a client that’s not going to support you. This issue lingered at the company for months so Erik went to his supervisor and asked that he give him a heads up if there were ever layoffs. Well, a couple of weeks went by and he tells Erik “Today’s the day. We’re laying off most of your staff except two, you and one other perso