Coach Sze Wing Podcast

3 Tips On Asking For More In Life



This week’s blog is sparked by a recent conversation I had with my client about asking for a pay rise.  Lindsay (for her privacy, this is not her real name) has been running a multi-million dollar start-up as a managing director for several years. The company has been doing extremely well in the last 12 months and for all her hard work, long hours and personal scarifies, she feels it is time to ask for more and she wanted some coaching to prepare her for the conversation with her boss.  What makes this really interesting is that the conversation we had was actually not about HOW to get a pay rise. You’ll see what I mean next. After listing a number of very reasonable, rational and critical factors, she told me how much she was planning to ask for. But then I asked her, how much you actually think you are worth for this company in the current market?  Without a pause, she named a figure that is 20K more than what she just told me.  I asked her why she didn’t say that higher figure first