Very Bad Therapy

6. Zimbabwean Granny Wisdom



In Zimbabwe, hastily trained "Grannies" were found to be significantly better at treating depression than the standard of care that best resembles Western psychotherapy. Ben and Carrie put on their researcher hats to explore how lessons from Friendship Benches in Africa reflect the need for a mental health paradigm shift around the world. Ben says thank you for taking care of his feelings. Show Notes: Busting the myth that depression doesn't affect people in poor countries Effect of a Primary Care-Based Psychological Intervention on Symptoms of Common Mental Disorders in Zimbabwe Practicing Psychotherapy in Constructed Reality: Ritual, Charisma, and Enhanced Client Outcomes The Heart and Soul of Change: Delivering What Works in Therapy The Great Psychotherapy Debate: The Evidence for What Makes Psychotherapy Work Beyond Measures and Monitoring: Realizing the Potential of Feedback-Informed Treatment The Question of Expertise in Psychotherapy Very Bad Website / Facebook / Instagram