Bear Psychology podcast

Personality Disorders and Difficult Relationships



In the many relationships that you navigate in life, do you find that one is significantly tougher to manage? This could be because a partner, spouse, friend, or co-worker has a personality disorder. There could be times where you are uncertain as to whether their moral compass truly points North. The focus of this episode is a few personality disorders, namely narcissism and anti-social personality disorder (i.e. sociopathy). Narcissists A narcissist is someone who has a pervasive pattern of thriving on/stirring up conflict, showing no empathy and neglecting to validate the experiences or feelings of others. Narcissists can be emotionally explosive, exploitive and abusive when they don’t get the attention that they crave. The first guest speaker is Ingrid from Show Boundaries, who explains the ‘Observe rather than Absorb’ approach to navigating a relationship with a narcissist. This method involves learning about the methods and techniques a narcissist will employ by observing them and my paying attention to